Thursday, August 5, 2010


Yesterday we were outside playing a pretending game with Bela. The whole time we were outside playing, her name was Jack. At first she was rescuing things, like a baby named Jessie and a kitten on the roof. Later in the game she had a sword and was slaying monsters. She even had to go get a boat once during the game to go in the water and get something. I forget what. I asked her what my name was a few times while we were playing. First it was Corola. Then it was Jessielolo.

When our neighbors came out to play, the girl who is 10 got to be Jessica, (not Jessie.) When I asked Bela what the little boys name was, she sat there for a minute with the wheels turning. I realized she was trying to remember Cory's name so I whispered it to her. The little boy was Cory for the whole game.

If any other person had joined her special little game, I'll bet I can guess what their name would have been. Aaah, what a fun adventure she had last night, with some of her favorite people!

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